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How do I get a garden plot?

We ask that everyone first complete three (3) hours of volunteer work at a scheduled work party. Work parties are typically held monthly at the garden between April and October.  After completion of vounteer work, names are added to the waitlist. Available gardens will be offered in the order of first-completed-first-served.  

Work Parties

Work parties are for everyone! Come to volunteer in the garden or to add your name to the wait list for a garden plot of your own.

All current garden members are required to commit 6 hours per year to annual garden upkeep. 

The next scheduled work parties are:

October 20 – 9am – 12pm

Little Diggers:
Kids Gardening Program 2024

Participants will have their own small plot (30cm x 60cm) for the season. 

Children will care for their garden while learning about gardening and the local natural environment. There will be a different theme each week; session are full of games, art projects, hands-on learning and more! The Little Diggers program is organized and run by volunteers from the garden.

We provide everything needed to garden (hand tools, watering cans, seeds…etc), and charge a small fee to cover costs. 

​Parent/guardian supervision is required at all times while in the garden.

Ages: 3-8, any skill level welcome

​Dates: Saturdays from 10-11am. 2024 dates TBD (generally from late April to Mid June)

​Contact: Little Diggers Garden @ Gmail